Saturday, February 11, 2006

Idle thoughts...

Every once in a way I wonder, as every human with too much time in their hands does, why are we here? No, I don't mean the Internet, though that is an equally puzzling question (hmm... interesting... but that's another story for another post). I mean... why are we here, on earth, living. The meaning of life, the universe and everything, if you will. What's the point of it all? We live, eat, speak, procreate--or not--, laugh, cry and die. What is the point of it all?

Maybe as unborn foetuses we were aware that it a sheer pointless existence awaits us outside the mother's womb. Perhaps that is why we are born kicking and screaming.... We are aware of what we are getting into. But later we forget. Some of us forget to such an extent that we begin to think that there is, in fact, a huge "purpose" for our existence. That we actually are meant to do something.

Perhaps we are. Sometimes I think that humans evolved (or were put on earth, depending on what you believe in) to destroy it. I mean, maybe we are meant to destroy the earth, like a virus. Maybe the Earth is just a single cell in some unbelievably huge animal. But then again, is that logic talking or the Ego? The need to have a purpose for life. We cannot accept that we are just a piece of conincidence, created and destroyed by the same coincidence.

The human ego is the fountainhead of all our beliefs. I think I lifted that from somewhere... Ayn Rand or something, but it's true. All our belief systems are based on an overblown perception of ourselves, a strong belief--or perhaps wishful thinking--on the superiority of the human race. We are presumptuous enough to talk of a greater Being and imagine narrow mindedly that we were fashioned after such a Being and that It can, in fact, be defined by shallow human terms.

The highest expression of human Ego is the belief that all our insignificant little activities are actually important to anyone but us. But when you think about it, we humans are the freaks of nature. We go against almost every rule of nature. Yet we consider ourselves superior to all other forms of being. We call ourselves intelligent and speak of that intelligence as something precious when in fact it is the root of all destruction on earth.

GASP! Take a breath Jan. Man, I hate getting all philosophical and thoughtful but these thoughts have been stewing in my mind for sometime so they needed an outlet. I guess my blog was the best place to dump them. I was just interrupted in the middle of writing this and when I came back I realised how...I dunno... stupid all this sounds. But then, it's my stupidity so I don't want to delete it when I immortalise it in the world of the internet.

Basically, I havent written anything in a while. Really wanted to put up something. So pliz excoos!


Ms. Lane said...

hmm....interesting!!must say this was a little too heavy coming from you.but hey who said being philosophical is bad.great as always.enjoyed every bit:)

Ms. Lane said...
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smoke said...

WHY WHY WHY?!! Why do people delete comments? What sadistic tendency makes them do it?


Anyway, thanks rini. Being philosophical is not bad but for my blog, it is!

Arun Mukkath said...

A Jesuit priest, I knew once, kinda summed up the reason why we are all here... it’s a freaking ‘historical accident’ man!


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