Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Glitch in the Brain

I always get a strange, surreal feeling when I think that the whole of my past is just memory. Every moment of pain, wonder, joy, confusion, every crush, every unforgettable feeling of knee-knocking fear, every betterfly in my stomach, every stubbed toe is now not even real or verifiable. Those moments are just grooves in a soft, easily squishable brain, folds in my cerebrum. That friend who betrayed me and who I haven't spoken to in more than a year may as well be a ghost. She exists as I saw her only in my memory. My uncle, grandmother, aunt, grandfather... even my father... are all just memories now. From a child's impressions of popcorn and poppins to a young woman's helplessness at pain suffered, these people, once easily hugged and spoken to, are just memories now.

My life so far could've been a wasteland--I'd never know if all that I've felt is real or the drug-induced hallucinations of a crazed mind. And tomorrow, my life so far could just be wiped out by a careless blow to the head and then where would I be? Where would you be?

Does this sound like pseudo-Matrix-existentialist crap? Well, once I hit the "Publish" button, how can I even be sure I wrote it?


AtomicGitten said...

You will not cease to exist for the next 125-150 years, simply because of the same thing: memory. As much as a memory dulls the actual event in you mind,it is also a record. All those people who live in your memory, live in those of others as well- just as we will even after we've all turned to dust.
And the fact is that you life is not just a memory- every action of yours or of others on you, resulted in some kind of consequence which changed the make up of your universe.
No glitch in the brain can render you null and void.Because there are other memories and lives to support you.
If you forget I'll remind you.

And if you forget me, I'll give you a knock on the head that'll jog your memory :D

Anonymous said...

didja have an out of body experience or is that pot speaking? :)
When i was little i used to think that the world ceased to exist if i closed my eyes. And that human's were actually just skeletons putting up a masquerade for my sake. I dunno how that's related to your post though. Was just reminded of it.

Poppins!!! do they still make those??

VaishKan said...

you did not write it. I did. :D

Jan said... you look familiar... do i know you? *flees*

dunno if they make poppins still,anonymous naresh... but darn i used to love 'em! :D

you are not you, vaish, me is. ;)

Poshgit said...

I often associate memories with embarrassment: things you did three years ago, or even yesterday, can seem so stupid and silly in retrospect! Gah...but then...

'God gave us memory so that we may have roses in December'-J.M.Barrie :)

And yes, they still make Poppins ;)

AtomicGitten said...

I knew you'd say that :D


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