Thursday, January 03, 2008

Two Thousand WHAT?!

Now, wait just a minute... How the heck did this happen?! One minute it's New Year's Day 2007 and suddenly it's 2008. Sheesh.

So anyway...

Here I go with my usual profound remarks about the new year that will gloriously mark this special moment in time... The "days of our lives", if you will ;) Well, this time it's rather short, pithy and while I don't know if it may be considered an actual REMARK, it holds profound philosophy... So listen carefully:


Ah. I see from the rather puzzled look on your face that you're cautiously wondering "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" Ahem. You know. Look deeper. Such great thoughts cannot be explained but only expressed and experienced. Ok, ok, FINE. The old "figure-it-out-yourself" cop out isn't gonna work on you. That was an expression of the rip that is created in the fabric of time as we move from one great epoch to anoth-- Ok, ok, fine, you can stop looking sceptical. That was just me sticking out my tongue at the world, blowing a raspberry at it.

So yeah, that's my profound remark for the beginning of this year:


Hey but if you think about it, it actually DOES sound like the sound of God's snore--cos he's bored with us humans and has fallen asleep--

Hey, hey hey! THAT'S NOT NICE! At least throw tomatoes that are not rotten so that I can... you know... make a meal of it. And, er, could you substitute the smelly eggs with some fried fish? Really, I'm not being very particular. It can even be not so fresh. *drools* Thanks a bunch. ;)



Ahem. Some post-scriptitious (hey I just made up a fake word!) remarks...

I know this was a rather sad attempt at a blog post, but in my defence, my blog and Miss Perfection (you can read about her elsewhere {haha, now you'll have to comb through my blog [and comment]}) were literally SCREAMING at me to update and well... this is the product. So don't blame me. You can continue the rotten tomato throwing at THEM (I'll still have the fish though :D Thanks...)

Oh, and the Zzzzz... label was new cos I realised I don't have any labels beginning with Z... In fact, that's my new year's resolution... To come up with a label for every alphabet (wow, I just made up a fake resolution!)


AtomicGitten said...

Immediate reaction after reading-One word/expession: ...Eh?

It's god to know that though the years may change numbers,Jan will always be the same. Happy New Year!

Anush said...

u have lost it. if u had one.

"God's snore--cos he's bored with us humans..."

is god he?

u can always trust me to make a jayalalitha of a sonia gandhi [:)]


there! now theres saliva all over my monitor. And keyboard. And speakers. And brother.

Prashanth(MSP) said...

time flies ......

VaishKan said...

After years of contemplation, I here by confirm that you are mental! Amen

VaishKan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
smoke said...

atomic: Thank you, thank you! :D
crazybugga: Judging by how (if there is a god) the world is ruled and controlled by men, and they also get away with complaining nonsensically about women despite all that, I would say, yes, god (if there is a god) is MALE. I'd prefer god to be It, actually, but then I'm agnostic.
prashanth... yes, time spiders sometimes too... Oh, don't try to decipher that, I'm in a mokkai rani mood today :D (as I am everyday).
dearest barb... I'm flattered, darling, but listen, I don't know how to tell you:


That's all... :)

Vaish... Awwww... You're just saying that *embarassed blush*

Prashanth(MSP) said...

@vaish: Genius is also found on the periphery of insanity. After all, both are extremes. [:D]

@jan: Above doesn't mean that I have named you as either! ............... yet. [:p]

Even though you have agreed to one of them, are you guilty of other too? ( You choose which is former and later!)

Anush said...

tagged u kid


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