Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a slice of time

Riding on the bus on a cold winter evening... The sun has set and it is dark outside. You surprisingly have a seat all to yourself. A jacket keeps you warm and toasty while soft, guitary music plays on your headphones. You slide to the closed window and look out... The world is rushing by in a series of silhouettes lit up in flashes by lights from warm homes and warm windows. You feel a moment of peace and satisfaction as you sit there in the dimly lit bus. With your fellow passengers all around you, the sense of simultaneous comfort and aloneness is heightened, like you're in your own cozy bubble among a million bubbles.

The song ends as your ride ends and you walk smiling towards something like home.


Anonymous said...

like i said - the right emotibox is not there :)

AtomicGitten said...

Perfect portrayal of a pocket of comfort. Sigh, if only bus rides always entailed such comfort :P

AtomicGitten said...

And as for the header- ayyo! and double Ayyo!!!

Good luck for your exams :D


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