Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ah, the pain...

I have discoverd a great, yawning hole in my life. A hole that cannot be filled with anything. Except perhaps with pain. In fact, it is filled with pain. So maybe it's not such a yawning hole after all. Strike that first sentence. Which would mean, strike out the whole thing.

I have discovered a great pain in my heart. In my soul. It is created, I believe, by the discovery of my inability for greatness. Ah, yes. I can see the reader sigh in sympathy (perhaps I should refer to myself as "this writer" or "this blogger" [nah, always thought that sounded too pompus {though I wouldnt mind a little pompousness (but then only great people deserve pomposness... and I'm not. [Enough with the brackets!])}]) Phew.... where was I? Oh, right. The pain. I have discovered that I can never and will never achieve greatness in my life, cos let's face it, my life doesn't suck.

I mean, all the famous people have had some great tragedy in their life or the other. The great poets... Keats, Shelley, Shakespeare. I'm sure everyone who's ever made it to greatness had some sorrow in life or the other that inspired their greatness. And me, I'm usually a disgustingly cheerful person. I'm happy with life in general. Sure, I have a hot temper. Sure, I like to bitch about people as much as the next person. But please. I'm not languishing over some unrequited love. I'm not mourning my poverty. I'm not concerned about the loss of innocence in the world. I'm not even fricking angry with the Government. At least, not enough. Where do I draw inspiration from? From whence will those noble or elevated thoughts flow? What is to become of me? Of my family and the future generations who will lack an illustrious ancestor.

'Tis a sad, sad situation. I'm never gonna make it big. Fame is not for me. Booooo hooooo! I'm going to live out my whole life in ignominy and annonymity.

Ah, who cares?

Life's good.

So, ha! Take your fame world, and stuff it! I have enough pain about the absense of pain in my life to fill in a blog entry and enough people who don't know me to read it. So, there. After all, fame is but a fickle mistress.... fleeting and temporary. Ignominy would be a much more loyal servant, I'm sure!


Arun Mukkath said...

Q: Is life, essentially, comic or tragic?
Woody Allen: Without any question, tragic. There are oases of comedy within it. But, when it's all over, the news is bad.

smoke said...

Man, and I thought I was somewhat pessimistic

Anonymous said...

janani ur the nuttiest nut ive ever met...what the?! i really dont get half of wht ur writin...much less understand anythin of wht ur writin...god! well anyway...it sounded good...u still rock!!

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