Obviously these individuals have never written a creative paragraph in their life unless we're talking about the "creative crapping" that goes on in exam halls. They have probably never exerted themselves to think and transfer those thoughts (such as they may be) to paper/the screen. In other words, they suffer from perenial writer's block, and "laziness" by their own terminology.
It's either that or they are supremely gifted and eternally inspired by every little stone or piece of plastic or old smely socks or rotten vegetable around them. This is a possibility, although my instinctive response to this goes in terms of not bleddy likely!
To get back to the long-forgotten point... I, in my ignorance, merrily started my own little blog--with a great fantasy that marvellous pieces of literature and humour would come pouring forth from my fingertips! I managed to find inspiration quite often the first few weeks and even months. But then...
But then! Ah, my dear friends... then, tragedy struck! Besides becoming overly dramatic, I also found that I had, quite simply, nothing to write about! Well, sure, there are lots of things I can write about. But who really wants to read endless accounts of my daily routine--which hardly changes--or the weather--which they can read for themselves from anywhere anyway!
And this was the exact point when I started feeling that I had to write something or my blog would die of shame or something. I tried desperately, but all to no avail. And in the end, I cheated. Yes, I confess, I cheated! I added little things like a comic strip, a shoutbox, a visit counter, a superhero test result, etc.
And the final, most shocking cheating that I've done...is this post! For I have turned a lack of inspiration into the subject of an entire post. (Pretty devious and clever I thought but dont expect anyone to share the opinion. The world never recognises genius, after all!)
So here I stand before you, with bowed head and guilt-laden shoulders. I have cheated. I have tricked. And what do I have to say for myself?
phew....i bow down and pass on my title to thee O Chosen One the time has come atlast."With the power vested in me by the great Flecknoe i dub thee Janani "the queen of qualified crapping"..spread the light!!...hail!!Jana!...
whoa! i KNEW flecknoe would come up. Yes, bow down, mortals, to Mac(ie)flecknoe!
Well this piece is no crapping... hidden within desperation of these written words are some very relevant truths about the mind of every blogger and the anxiety of finding an a little bit of inspiration to come up with there next blog entry...
blogging/writing IS hard jan .. and v alll cheat to keep blogs alive....wel almost all of us anyway.
Pah...finally, a kindred spirit...join the club of cheaters, girl...good effort this, i must say!
Heh... seems like I'm not alone... Wonderful!
I had bloggers block!!
Ur blog removed it..
man! i knw exactly hw u feel. n thank for t cheatin tips *mwwaahahaha* i can now become the queen of the cheaters. the head of the blog crooks!!
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