Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Here are some pics I took on a recent weekend trip to Yelagiri. The place is damn beautiful. Not (yet) a hot vacation getaway so it's quite fresh.

Will shut up now and let the photos do the talking

Tête à Tête...

Looming Skies...

The Path...

(Pic by Vaish ^)

The Half-hidden Gate...


(Pic by Vaish ^)

View from Heaven...

Morning Smiles...


Checking out the view...

(Pic by Priti ^)

Can't have too many sunrises!


Waking up to this view

That's some caffeine addiction!

Highway overload!

Speeding home...

The sun sets...


Ms. Lane said...

speechless!! *claps* woman u have an eye for photography man.. the shots are sooooo good!! keep clicking!! :DD

Anonymous said...

hehe... thanks!

Poshgit said...

attention world...this is an announcement confirming the induction of ace photographer sir git into the nat geo hall of fame!!!! bloody good pics gal!!! ;-)

VaishKan said...

mine! mine! mine! mine! mine! yes it was just one outta the whole lot of beautiful pics. but still, mine! mine! mine! mine! mine!mine! mine! mine! mine! mine! *fade out*

The Maverick Blog said...

Awesome attempt... My fav pic of the lot is "Waking up to this view".. Liked the theme..


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