Saturday, June 16, 2007


How important is honesty, really?

I don't mean the not-lying-to-your-friends type of honesty. It's not even really a moral question. I mean honesty to yourself. I've always thought it was essential. But lying to yourself is such a comfort. Sometimes you need to have certain illusions about certain people and situations in order to be happy. You might know it deep inside that what you think--either negative or positive--is not really true. But we bury this knowledge sometimes in order to love or hate a person in peace. So if the thought slides to the surface, is it ok to push it away? Is it ok to lie to yourself?

Or am I gonna wake up one day and realise that a whole set of my beliefs are--or maybe even I am--actually no more substantial than a breeze?


Ms. Lane said...

hmmmmm..interesting i think lying to oneself is what gets us through life without having to LIVE it.. if u get what i mean.. nicely written!! :)

Poshgit said...

agree...we were doin this exercise durin the orientation camp bout self awareness, n i was confused whether to answer the questions from my true self perspective or from the 'image i have of myself' perspective...hope that makes sense...i mean we can never really be true to much for honesty ;-) p.s. the jatang orange is actually nice ;-P

Anush said...

one cant lie to oneself when one knows that one is lying to oneself... frgt it... am crappin... illusion is good... no wonder himesh reshmiya is so happy...

smoke said...

Thanks, rini, hmm yeah. sigh. is it just me or is that a depressing thought? :)

Yes, exactly, posh! and thanks, the orange DID appeal, didnt it? Some people have no taste... Sniff.

Yes, but what about when one DOESN'T know when one is lying to oneself, crazybugga? Or am I crapping too? :)

VaishKan said...

true true darling girl. I always decide to choose the former. be totally brutal with honesty. it is oddly satisfying. now now. dont run away with ideas, m'dear. ;)


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