Wednesday, October 01, 2008

You Really KNOW You're Missing Home When...

You keep wrinkling your nose and sniffing beacuse clean air seems... wrong... somehow!

You think fondly of fights involving aruvals and kattais

You salivate at the thought of mom's pavakka which you thought you'd never touch with a stick... (Hmm, on second thought... pavakka? Ok even I'm not that desperate... yet.)

The name of a shop written in Tamil gets you as ecited as the know-it-all kid in class when he wants to answer a tough one.

You suddenly realise that the shower, not the wheel, was the greatest human invention--and the bucket, probably the most cursed!

The beach--which you visited maybe once a year back home--is suddenly the one thing that could set right every problem in your life.

You miss those chatty, know-it-all auto karans who routinely and shamelessly try to rip you off.

You watch the crappiest Tamil movies and songs in the history of mankind just so you can hear the language.

You actually honest-to-goodness DREAM of the Coovum!

You mouth the most galeejana Tamil words in your head cos you're afraid you'll forget them!


VaishKan said...

waaahhh!!! waaaaah!! sob sob sob, u forgot the fights with the sister, the scooty pep rides, thalapakattu, 10 rs Sathyam 1st row and the Thalai!

Poshgit said...

while you're at remembering some beautiful senthamizh words...might i suggest vennai, goyya, dubbukku, ada thu, ayyo saami...these are the only words keeping me sane in this bong plus northie over-ridden campus :)

notgogol said...

ahem.."You actually honest-to-goodness DREAM of the Coovum"... COOVUM!!! I don't think you need a dose of Chennai; you need therapy :P

P.S. Poshgit missed out boanga, ada paavi, gapsaa, bejaar, ushaaru, balubu, monjiya paar, dhuddu, galatta, blaydu, mokkai etc. etc. :)

Jan said...

hey vaish... Yeah, right, like I could forget those! :P But those are things I even normally enjoy ;) The point is that these are things you'd normally not miss at all! The depths of my desperation, you see :D

Ahhh... I can almost TASTE the foul words of Chennai Sentamizh! :) Thanks, poshgit, notgogol. And sigh, you might have a point about the therapy!

AtomicGitten said...

Eheh-eheh-eheh-eheh-eheh! Machan let's chuck this stupid M.A and head back to namma Chennai!

AtomicGitten said...

Waiting and shamelessly hoping :D


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