Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Idle Thoughts Vol. II

Some random thoughts that seemed to be fighting to get out of my head. What better way than to put them down in my blog?

The blank page can be pretty intimidating. Sometimes, I just sit with a blank page in my hand and keep staring, willing my mind to stop wandering and focus on forming thoughts, words, sentences that make sense.

Sometimes there are people screaming in my head. They seem to be trying to get my attention. I start suspecting that I'm going mad, then realise with a jolt that the voices aren't in my head but people around me. And yes, they are trying to get my non-existent attention.

Relationships are funny. Sometimes you try not to say something that you know the other person wouldn't like to hear, skirt around any such subject and end up saying the thing that would irritate that person most, thinking it's the best thing to say. And in the end, you realise that the thing you were avoiding was what the person wanted to hear most.

Life is all about conflict. We are always in conflict with something or the other. Starting from nature, to the government, authority, enemies, rivals and friends, it is impossible to find someone who doesn't face conflict. If anyone manages to avoid these things, by some miracle, they will most probably find themselves in conflict with themselves.

When I don't sleep well some times, I hear voices and arguments in my head the whole of the next day. Is this because I'm mad--a distinct possibily--or is it just half-forgotten dialogues from movies and books that my mind remembers due to some subconscious crap? I think this is possible to because last time the whole Marvin and the Mattress scene from somewhere in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ran through my head. The matress even flooped and all that.

Weird... But hey! Dain bramaged... That's me!


Abhinav said...

hey jan your dain bramaged thoughts are very compelling... i like what you say about conflicts... there's a similar theory in literature, in an essay called language of paradox which essentially says the same thing, that the building blocks of literature are conflict and paradox... after reading your post, i'm thinking, hey maybe thats true for life too!

Ms. Lane said...

hey jan great writing..coming from you this is not surprising at all.very thought provoking indeed am wondering about the conflicts i face and man are they countless ;)

smoke said...

Hey abhinav, thanks! That's a high compliment to give a lit student! Especially after I read your blog. :D

Heh, rini, you, me and everybody, my friend!

Abhinav said...

ok now you have to qualify your 'especialy after i read your blog'! meaning?????
hope you don't mean its very full of paradoxes and conflicts!

smoke said...

Very concise and mysterious, the daily unusual!

LOL, I just meant that your blog was pretty impressive, abhinav!

janhavi, thanks! I heard your blog disappeared (if you're the one I have heard about, that is!). It's back now, I see... congrats.

Abhinav said...

i like the way you go, 'your blog is pretty impressive, *abhinav*' in bold letters... reminds of mum going 'clean your room, *young man*' lol.
and thanks!

smoke said...

LOL... Well I just thought it was a change from the usual way of answering comments, Abhinav: Your blog is pretty impressive.


Abhinav said...

i'm very tempted to say, oh reaaally, you want to discuss this over coffee? but i still don't if blog-flirting is acceptable or not, being fairly new to this world...


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