Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Goodbye, cruel world!

Er... well, not exactly.

But it's just that I'm going away for the summer!

Er... well, not exactly.

I'm going away for about 10 days to God's own country, and while I doubt both his existence and his non-existence, I'm sure any sensible God would create a pretty awesome place to call his own. What's more, I'm going with a friend so it ought to be even more fun! And, oh, the food! Yum!Sigh, will be back as fat as... something really fat (too lazy to think of a good similie).

This means no updates for a while. There there, don't cry! It'll be alright.

I'm sure I'll be missed. If anyone contradicts me on that statement, I'll be very very angry and we wouldn't want that, now, would we?

Anyway, buh-bye! Have fun and don't be naughty. :D


Arun Mukkath said...

"God's own country" is a clever marketing phrase... but if there is a "God's own country", it should be Sri Lanka, war ravaged and splendidly, internally beautiful, and Kerala comes a close second...

BTW Kerala means 'land of the coconut(tree)'.. so enjoy the toddy ;)

Abhinav said...

awwwwwww.... will miss u jan sweetheart! and will be awaiting your return in breathless anticipation...


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