Saturday, June 24, 2006


Morality is the most unnatural of human inventions. It goes against the basic nature of man--the very instinct of survival and procreation! We think it's wrong to lie, murder and have indiscriminate sex because well... it's wrong. But isn't it a very basic instinct of survival--lying and murder to protect yourself and sex to procreate?

Now I'm not saying that I'm going to turn into a murderer or a liar or sleep with people whenever it takes my fancy. In fact, that's the point I'm trying to make. I cannot do all these things because today's society has deemed it immoral and even punishable because it harms the society.

So... it's survival in another level isn't it? Hmm. I seem to have argued myself into a box. Genius.

So much for the loooong post I envisioned. Ah, close this window and forget you ever read this! Unless you want to comment of course :D


HandyGirl said...

hey there,
love your musings...could it be possible that morality is hardwired into the basic nature of humans and that capitalism and habitual consumerism are some reasons why so many humans have so much trouble with it? don't worry, i'm not a preachy bible thumper, if fact, au contraire! check out my page:

smoke said...

hey handy girl... Thanks for dropping intomy blog. Well I don't know if I agree with you. Didnt humans find morality difficult and wasn't crime prevelant even before the advent of capitalism and consumerism? I mean, those good ol' days of a couple of centuries back!

c said...


smoke said...

grrr! I hate these 'hmmm' comments. I get one everytime and people never come back and explain. I'm gonna go to my corner and sulk.


Ms. Lane said...

i can never figure out wat morality is, it has a different meaning to different ppl what i consider moral can be outrageouesly immoral to the person sitting next to me.
although lying and murder are things i cannot justify on any account.
sex is something very humane coming to think of it,it is a very biological activity(though most humans enjoy it for million other reasons hehe).
sure society has its laws but then who gives a damn right?, like u said instinct takes over or i guess should take over,i know society is important and everything but then after a point u just can't let it dictate u or maybe deprive u and once instinct takes over we humans tend to do exactly what we want, atleast in most cases which aint a bad thing.

Da Rodent said...


Da Rodent said...

:P Ok ok.. i'll give more than a 'hmm..'

Well., Lady.. We dont stick to our animalistic natural characteristics. Thats why we call ourselves civilized.. :P

Hmm., killling each other sounds not so inviting., but sex.. hmmm.... :P :P

Da Rodent said...

"dear me, pay me $5,000 or else i`ll die."

I noticed that just now.. :P LOL

Varun B. Krishnan said...

well, murder without morals causes rapid decrease in population...

and indiscriminate sex causes people to have more and more babies! (just hypothesising)

and therefore... the two effects cancel out one another, dont u think? ;) so, there should be more and more of murder/sex?

Dolphin said...

"Morality" ...
jeez u actually think about it...

deadmanswill said...

Never said a better word. It is the best thing to know why we have to avoid (or do) somethings instead of blindly following set conventions without question or violating them and feeling unduly guilty about it.

The fact that we recognise why somethings are called wrong and we rationalize it does not mean that we do them ourselves. We only want to get to the bottom of matters so we can be more judgemental about people and issues.

karthik said...

its all survival... even suicide... cant escape nature... that whore!!!

HandyGirl said...

oh yes, i agree that crime existed long before the industrial revolution brought capitalism to the forefront of our culture. heads were a rolling! i think humans have always struggled with morality which is why i believe it could be hardwired. perhaps the pursuit of wealth and power in our modern world is what distracts some people from obtaining what they really need. discerning right from wrong can go by the wayside when it's all about having the best stuff, you know, dollar bill signs in the, marketing, money...

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