Thursday, April 20, 2006

Semester's End

Today I wrote my last exam, finished my last working day for this acacdemic year. I'm sure this is when I should get all retrospective and start spouting great philosophy about life and all that, but all I can come up with is:


That's just a reflexive reaction of course, to the end of the year. I'm sure I'll be bored brainless n start missing my friends before even a quarter of the summer is gone. Most of them are going to various exotic summer retreats, leaving me to fry in the Chennai summer heat :'( Waaah! Not fair!

To think about it, the year hasn't been such a trial that I feel relieved that the summer holidays are here.

Well, college was... not anything unexpected. Probably because I didn't really have any expectations. I've enjoyed my course... in a relative way, as compared to school. Lit hasn't been a disappointment though I think the more interesting papers are in the next four sems. I can't really say if I've learned anything new, though. Hmm.

As for other fun stuff. Well I've made some awesome friends, learned a lot of things about people in general and also about myself. That sounds kinda corny but it's true. I can claim confidently that I've learned a LOT, apart from academics. (I'm not going to share the little pearls of wisdom with the world. I'm greedy, gonna hoard them all.) I'll just say that it's been good. I've found some new friends, lost some old ones. I've met a lot of interesting people and best of all, I've discovered the joys of blogging! It's like a world of its own, all by itself.

So thanks people, for both putting up with me, reading and commenting on my blog and also for giving me so much to read about.

Guess this entry has turned out to be for all my fellow bloggers!



Ms. Lane said...

hey jan finally ur dream of havin juniors coming true heh..agree with whatever u said in ur blog been one helluva year and its been an absolute pleasure being ur frend and torturuing you :)..n hey dudette we'll be in touch i wont leave you so easily...thanx to world wide web..

smoke said...

Heh, yes. Juniors. *rubs hands together and giggles evilly* FINALLY! Poor things.

And damn! Forgot all about the internet. Sigh. Well guess I'm never gonna be rid of you now.

Arjun Sukumaran said...

Gah! No fair! Damn you lucky buggers! Ah well, be grateful for what you got, 'cos trust me, it ain't so sunny on the other side!

Although, I must admit the thought of juniors is like coming out of a Chennai theatre to find it's been raining...ah, bliss.

Blazin said...

For most of it, i wasnt there. Half of it i didnt get, quarter of it didnt read *Yawn* and last bit of it THE ABOVE WAS A LIE lol. k k bad joke sheeeshhh or was it hmmmm *smirk* well duh by now you know i have absolutely nothing to say, but this KEEP BLOGGING CAUSE (india needs a way to get rid of its huge population sheeshhh cant say dat too) I WILL BE READING :D arghhhhhh the one in the bracket sounded so much better. Yo dont blame me for all this its 1 35 am and am having a drink i just made ;)

Abhinav said...

my god what sadistic glee! you people shouldn't encourage ragging, it can get really serious, and things can get out of hand...
hell, who am i kidding, try making them sing baa baa black sheep three-headed-broadway-star style! the results are invariably hilarious.

smoke said...
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smoke said...

Hey dreamer gray... Hehehe. I'm tempted to gloat but I'm in a nice mood so i'll spare you. Oh and great simile, every chennai-ite will know exactly what you're talking abt! Ah... *spares into space dreamily*

blazing ice Interesting excuses you come up with. What kinda drink by the way? I SHALL blame you for it if its anything less than hard liquor with alcohol content of at least 40 per cent! :p

Abhinav! Thanks for the idea, it has been duly noted! *continues to rub hands and giggle evilly* He. He. He.

c said...

2 down , 4 to go eh jana? sigh pity wit those stellites....and ya beautiful expression of college experience so far.... gud luck wit the juniors..miss 2nd year.

smoke said...

LOL, thanks c. :D


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